lohr type sheets producer


We are a lohr type sheets producer, we have been operating in this industry for 10 years, we have a database of many satisfied customers with whom we cooperate to this day. Our products ensure the highest quality and all required parameters. Our sheets are ideal for use in carriages, car transporters. The materials we use are steel, aluminum and galvanized steel, we provide quality certificates. We make all standard formats and other under the order. Our sheets are compatible with the lohr system, thanks to which you can use standard locks and belts. We use professional equipment, thanks to which our sheets are not skewed and the edges are smooth. We as a lohr type sheets producer provide a guarantee for our products and discounts in case of orders for a larger quantity. Our company is the best choice when it comes to quality. If u need more information, please contact our service office, we provide an approach to each client individually depending on your needs.

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